
The Lofgren Design Analogy

I've had this lil' analogy up my sleeve for years, but I'd yet to put it in writing. I'd shared rough, unpolished versions of it to students at speaking engagements I've done, but now I feel I'm at a place where I can fully embrace its appropriateness.

Time to get hypothetical. You need a heart transplant. You need a heart transplant BAD. The hospital is informed that you will die unless you get a new heart within the next two weeks. All your medical records support your frantic claims. You get started on a precautionary regimen of anti-biotics and anti-virals, you shave all of your Tom Selleck-esque chest hair, and you make sure you've got your recovery plan in place. Fast forward to being on the table. All the meetings with the surgeon are behind you, you are as mentally prepared as you can be, the donor heart is in the cooler; you are minutes away from being put under. As you talk to yourself in your head, you can't help but make a suggestion. As the operating lights gleam off of your newly shorn chest, you remove the mask from you face and proudly proclaim:


"A kidney?" questions the lead surgeon. "You're funny," she jokes, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Well, I told my co-worker about my surgery, and HIS daughter is taking an anatomy class right now. She thinks it might work. Plus, it's probably cheaper, right? You know since everyone has two. More supply, less demand, right?" you say.

"No, you won't make it off the table with a kidney in place of your heart. You need a heart. The problems that would occur after it was in would negate any potential cost savings" the stammering surgeon states.

"Well, I don't know. I'm not a heart surgeon, but I think it could work." you say as the surgeons continue to smear iodine on your torso.

And...scene. Fade to black.

All creatives have been there. If you haven't, you will be. You have made a beautifully stunning, technically sound logo/ad/business card/etc. Portfolio piece FOR SURE. All your knowledge and experience tells you that you have discovered the perfect fit for your client. They will get the results they are looking for, and you will have a final product that you are proud of. After seeing the comps, they agree; they look great. Someone close to them has made a suggestion that is backed up by a spiffy looking rendering composed in Microsoft Paint.

As a professional designer, you know that their idea won't work. It won't reproduce in print, the colors will bleed together, the type is illegible, it's too low res, it has way too much going on, not to mention, it looks unprofessional. Sure they are a paying customer, but just because someone is paying for your expertise doesn't mean you have to ignore everything you've ever learned. There is a core level of responsibility you have to inform them of their grievously bad ideas. At the same time, the client should respect your expertise. If you can't steer them back on the right track, it might be a good time to reassess their need for you as a designer.

After all, I'm sure there is some crooked, black-market surgeon that would love the opportunity to try a heart-to-kidney transplant for cheap.

1 comment:

  1. Let's be clear that MS Paint has both a time and a place.
